We’ll keep this page simple – though if you want nerd type info we’ve got a page for you here.
Battery Type
All of our batteries use the latest in lithium-ion based technology. Now that’s the safer kind of lithium battery commonly used in notebooks, so they are considered safe for air travel and you can carry them on or check them in. Being the latest and greatest, our optimized batteries have:
- Greater burn time, smaller size and lower weight than traditional (nickle based) battery packs
- No memory effect
- Always ready, with lower self discharge
- Simple and reliable usage
Battery Size & Weight
Our packs are as small as possible. To achieve this we looked beyond the legacy of the past and designed the battery and canister together. The net result is a densely packed canister, with a 2.6″ (66mm) diameter. The length of the pack varies depending on the size – of which we currently offer 3 (min, short & tall). Canister sizes, excluding lids or video head are shown below.

Burn Times & Comparisons
Please see individual product pages for burn times, and use our comparison tool to compare figures for each model and battery configuration.
Certified for Safe Transportation
All UW Light Dude battery packs shipped after 18th November 2014 are certified to meet the IATA & UN/DOT 38.3 Standard for the Safe Transportation (including air travel) of lithium batteries. The certification is a mandatory for transportation of lithium batteries as of 6th February 2015.
All historic UW Light Dude battery packs are TSA compliant for air travel. Our packs have the following equivalent lithium content:
- Standard: 96whr, 8 grams ELC TSA compliant for air travel
- Tall: 144whr; 12 grams ELC TSA compliant for air travel