Sending Us a Package?
Please be sure to include a note in the box for anything shipped that has your contact information, return shipping address, and details of what work you would like completed
UW Light Dude
907 Pauline Ave.
Charleston, SC 29412
WARNING: Any package sent without adequate instructions or contact information will be set aside until you contact us.
Primary Lights
All latchless canisters work with the new G6 heads and canister caps.
$395 USD Both 4000 & 2000 Lumen Modules: Most light heads can be updated to G6, without the LED indicator ring, by replacing the internal module.
Light heads that have the centering ring in the picture below can have a module only upgrade (without the LED indicator ring)

$895 USD: Light heads without this centering ring (UWLD Gen 1&2) require the head to be replaced. A replacement head comes with the new LED indicator.
$895 USD: Those wishing to have the new LED battery status indication will need to upgrade to a new head. Any generation of UWLD head can be replaced with a G6 UWLD head.
Heat Controllers
Some of the switches with the built in button LED indicator lights have failed. Those that fail will be upgraded to the new LED indicator ring light with piezo under warranty, as long as there is no physical damage or tampering with the heat controller or switch.
$128 USD: Retrofit the old button style LED indicator built into the Piezo switch with the new LED ring indicator with Piezo switch.
UWLD Battery canisters with latches cannot have the battery packs replaced. Changes in the regulations require an upgrade to the latchless battery canisters. Included in the upgrade is a new latchless canister with Sealed Exterior Charging System (SECS), new latchless canister cap, and SECS charging base. Older generation chargers work with the new latchless battery packs and the SECS base has a matching connector to the UWLD charger connector.
All UWLD latchless canisters are UN/DOT 38.3 certified and are legal to transport on commercial aircraft worldwide (check your specific airlines rules and print our air travel form before arriving at the airport).
$595 USD: 54wh canister
$795 USD: 107wh canister
$995 USD: 160wh canister
Unsure which generation you are using? Here is some information that may help.