Key Technical Instructor Application First Name: Last Name: Phone: Email: Address: City: State: Zip Code: I have read and agree to the contents of theNon-Disclosure Agreement. Key Instructor Expectations 1. Have a through knowledge of UWLD models 2. Understand technical and innovative Key Features of UWLD products 3. Promote & Support the UWLD brand with honesty and integrity 4. No direct competition with UWLD dealers 5. Maintain UWLD MAP Policies I understand and agree to the above listed Key Instructor Expectations. Current Technical Agencies Agency Name Instructor Number Highest Certification Level Number of Years as a Certified diver: OW Agency: OW Certification #: Number of years as a technical instructor: Number of technical certifications YTD: Total technical certifications last year: List Your Instructor Certifications List the type certifications you have taught in the last year Do you presently have & use UWLD products? —Please choose an option—YesNo[group group-useuwld]Please fill in up to five UWLD products with model & generation of product: [/group] [group group-notuseuwld]Please fill in up to five products from other manufacturers with model: [/group] Are you affiliated with a dive shop? —Please choose an option—YesNo [group group-affiliated]If yes, are they a UWLD dealer? YesNo If yes, which dealer? [/group] In 500 words or less tell us why you are the right choice as a UWLD Key Tech Inst. After submitting this form and it has been reviewed, we will contact you. Please wait until we have reviewed this form for us to contact you. [anr_nocaptcha g-recaptcha-response] Δ